About Alison
General characteristics of our crops
Location - Mexicali Valley, Baja California, Mexico
Availability of the product: October - April
Climate conditions - It is sowed during the Winter (October-March)
Crops - Conventional and organic
Kale belongs the the Cruciferae family and the Brassicae genus. Its botanical characteristics are:
An annual plant with high sessile leaves
Fruits in sillique form, measuring up to 8 centimeters
Health benefits
Cellular DNA restoration - Due to its phytonutrients, Kale aids cellular restoration mechanisms in the body, at the same time reducing the growth of cancerous cells.
Prevents osteoporosis - It’s rich in calcium, which helps maintain strong bones.
Part of a healthy diet - It’s low in calories; one cup of Kale is approximately 39 calories, so it can be used as part of of a balanced diet.
Keeps the body hydrated - Thanks to its great Vitamin C content, it activates the immune system, hydration and metabolism.