About Alison
General characteristics of our crops
Location - Mexicali Valley, Baja California, Mexico
Availability of the product: October - March
Climate conditions - Temperatures range from 32° to 120°F (0º to 49ºC).
Crop: Conventional
Cilantro is a member of the Apiaceae family (called Umbelliferae beforehand) and is the only species in the Coriandrum genus; its botanical characteristics are:
Annual plant reaching 40 to 60 centimiters in height
Its leaves segregate a strong scent until the plant dries up a little softening the aroma.
The fruit produces small seeds used in the production of scented oils.
Health benefits
Fortifies the immune system - Its oils have antioxidants, antiinfective agents and Vitamin C, which fortify the immune system.
Anti-inflammatory - Contains antirheumatic and anti-arthritic properties which reduce pain and swelling caused by these illnesses.
Eye relief - Works as a powerful disinfectant used in illnesses such as conjuntivitis and ocular ageing.
Balances hormonal changes - Cilantro tea can reduce the pain caused by menstrual pains and stabilize hormones during a womans cycle.